Below is a list of excerpts from Claas patents relating to the subject of "choppers".
Note: The decisive factor for a patent is always the "claims", as specifically what exactly the applicant claims as his invention!
This application claims a special arrangement of the knives on the knife drum, which is intended to achieve particularly smooth running:
This application relates to the "EasyCollect" harvesting attachment with its endlessly revolving conveyor chains and the type and arrangement of the drivers and the knives/counter knives:
This application is about a conveyor channel that can carry out an evasive movement if the feed mass is too large. The "Varistream" system will most likely be based on this patent:
Here is the patent regarding the different positions of wheel hub motors to compensate for the ground clearance with different tires:
This patent is about the automatic filling of the trailer using a photo-optical element: